Review quiz showing incorrect for correct answers

Mar 05, 2014

I have created a course where there are 4 quiz sections that report to one result slide.  Three of the sections randomize the number of questions a user answers for those sections.  When published and the user clicks on Review Quiz, all answers are marked incorrect, even if they were correct.  The items grade correctly.  Can you not use Review Quiz when questions are randomized in Storyline?  Thank you for any assistance.

37 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Sharrilyn,

By any chance are the quiz question properties set to "reset to initial state" when revisiting? This causes correct questions to be marked as incorrect during review, even when scoring as correct.

You can adjust a slide's properties by clicking the little gear icon near the bottom right of the window:

Bhakti Raut

Hello there....I have a super imperative question...I have to upload my presentation on EUniversity LMS system by tomorrow and for some reason my Question slide, feedback and result slide are completely messed up! I don't know where I went wrong. I uploaded the presentation and the results are all getting incorrect. My presentation has just one question slide..agree or disagree. If you agree, you Pass. If you disagree then the Pop should redirect you to send a email and you fail. But for some reason, even if I say agree, it still fails me. 

Please could someone look into the attached slides and let me know as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bhakti,

Thanks for sharing your file here. Looking at your question slide you'll see neither of the answers are selected as the correct option. You may have inadvertently unselected them on slide view if you saw the check mark there - but that's just for you to see while editing, not how it'll appear for your users. 

John Borgen

I have the same problem but with Quizmaker and not Storyline. I don't find a similar setting in Quzimaker, but I may be looking in the wrong place.

The only work-around I've got currently is having our testers delete cookies and cache and re-take the quiz...I think they're fixing to lynch me. :-/

Any suggestions would be great.

John Borgen

Crystal, thanks for reaching out. See the attached screenshot of what I have for options. I've got it set as "Prompt to Resume". This seems to work fine for most of the testers, like the overwhelming majority of them. But, there are a few every month that have this issue. If there's a better setting, I'm willing to try it out.

Unfortunately, I can't share the quiz file with a public forum. There's proprietary information contained in the training. It's also important to note that I have embedded the quiz in the Articulate Presenter/Power Point.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi John,

Thanks for sharing the setting here. Since this thread initally dealt with Storyline and not Quizmaker, the same setting in terms of the slide's revisiting properties wouldn't apply here but it looks like you've set the quiz up to resume where the user has left off. When you mentioned a few who have this issue have you determine any other difference in these users such as the browser or device they're accessing from? You mentioned clearing the cache seemed to work for them - so it may be browser specific. Also where are you hosting the content? If within an LMS, you may also want to look at trying to upload it to SCORM Cloud and see if those users have the same difficulty there as it's an industry standard for testing. You can also send the Presenter package along to our Support engineers here if you're unable to share publicly. 

John Borgen

We "require" everyone to use FireFox. I have to admit, I stick with Chrome and have never had an issue, but our LMS provider only wants to support this day and age??? But I digress...

The clearing cache and cookies seems to work but I've got someone right now who's done all of that and still no joy.

The final caveat is, I'm moving to Storyline 2 soon. In fact, I've got my license and the software installed, I just had too much trouble with the Power Point slides that were imported last I reverted to Presenter. But that's a topic for another thread.

If there was a quick setting that I could use, I would give it a try, if not, meh. Because the future lies with Storyline, I think I'm going to let this rest.

Thank you for the support!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi John,

I can't think of another setting to change especially if it's just one user - when they see it are they using just Firefox on a desktop/laptop -  not a mobile device? If that user tries it from another computer does it work normally? If not, then it may be a setting within the account settings in the LMS as well. 

One other thought, is although Firefox by default disables Flash content it's not a supported browser for HTML5. Do you know if this user is by chance only seeing the HTML5 output?  You could instruct them to follow the directions here to ensure that the Flash content can be showed. 

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