Saving Work

Sep 26, 2023


I am going to get a new computer, and I want to send all my work to the new computer. What I have learned is when I sign on with my current account to another computer my work does not come over.  I wish Articulate Storyline had a cloud-saving option. Any suggestions of how to move my work-in-progress projects over with my new computer? What do people use to save their work? I know USB is not an option. I been told AWS is good as a cloud option. What else do you use?



4 Replies
Judy Nollet

To prevent file corruption, it's important to work on a local drive when using Storyline. That means saving files on a local drive. 

Where you back up your files—and, potentially, share them—depends on what your company provides. For example, and internal SharePoint or OneDrive site is a common option. In short, you can use whatever cloud-based storage you have access to. 

Personally, I often use a USB to transfer and/or backup Storyline files.

Eric Schaffer


Judy has the right idea with USB. I had to move files when I got a new computer. I got a portable hard drive and put them there to move them. My IT people were not happy, but I informed them cloud storage has a tendency to corrupt the files. We also use SharePoint and OneDrive. I have more success with OneDrive than SharePoint. I have lost too many files on SharePoint.

Good luck  

Walt Hamilton

They don't just show up.  You have to manage them.

Your files have to be actually, physically sitting on a computer somewhere. That might be the one you are typing on (local storage), one in a network closet (company network), one somewhere in the wide world connected to the internet (cloud) and named something like SharePoint or OneDrive. 

The point is that work files are prone to corruption if you are opening them and working on them and they are any place that is not the machine you are actually typing on (local storage). If they are in local storage, a very good practice is to copy them to somewhere else (a company network, or the cloud) as a backup after you close StoryLine. Then if you want to change computers, on the new one, copy them from the backup to local storage, open SL, load them and work locally.