Mar 04, 2016


When we use SCROM 1.2 and run a module from our server. Kallidus. the module is yerky where animation is concerned and once on a question slide and you click submit the slide does not move for a couple of seconds.

Kallidus tell me it is the way we create our modules but we don't do anything out of the ordibnary.

We have change the config settings a number of times but this make no difference.

I have zipped a test module that is very slow if anyone could have a look and tell me what we are doing wrong.  Incidently when we get Kallidus to upload the module for us as AICC it runs quickly with no issues.

 We have tried SCORM Cloud and the same test module runs quickly.

I have attached the config file and short test module.

Thank you


5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Ken!

Thanks for mentioning that you tested the content in SCORM Cloud and were unable to reproduce. I think it's something you will have to follow up with your LMS team about.

I did want to share a similar forum thread here where a user shared a solution he was able to utilize with Kallidus. Perhaps that can assist you as well.

Ken Stafford

Hi Leslie

Kallidus told me to contact you saying the problem was due to the way we were producing the content.  This has left us very confused because as you will see on my first thread I have attached a basic test module which still causes the problem.  Would you be able to look to see if that test module has an error, its on a few slides.


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