SCORM keeps crashing in new LMS

Feb 13, 2018

My org has recently changed LMS and when we've uploaded the SCORM packages into the new LMS one of them is crashing. Our provider has tried replicating the set up of the computers used by our staff (same operating system and browser version) and was unable to replicate the problem. I also could not replicate the problem which I thought suggested an issue with their machines but there's four separate users with the same issue all using different PCs.

The users have advised that they can't get beyond a certain point. The e-learning pauses and brings them up the 'Do you want to resume where you left off' dialogue box and if they say yes it takes them back to the main menu.

Anyone have any idea what could be going wrong?

7 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Lorna!

Hmm, this one is a puzzle. It's always tough when a handful of users report a problem that you aren't able to recreate yourself.

There are a few details that could help us solve this mystery:

  • What version of Storyline are you using?
  • What browser are the learners using when the course crashes?
  • Does the crashing always happen on the same slide? If so, what kind of objects are on that slide? (For example: audio, video, web object, etc.)
Lorna Clancy

Hi Alyssa,

Yeah it's a bit of a mystery at the moment! The module was originally made in Storyline 2 but our Instructional Designer's package got updated to 360 so it was then published from Storyline 360.

I know that some of the staff are using Microsoft Edge as their browser and potentially some are using Internet Explorer (but there is a bit of debate around whether they might actually be using Edge and just not realise that they're not the same).

The module crashes on one of two slides. Basically there is a main menu with 4 options (one of which is the course test which is locked until all the other sections are complete. Users are able to complete one of the sections but after returning to the menu and clicking into either of the two other sections the first slide opens and runs for a few sections then stops and asks if they would like to resume where they left off. When they say yes this takes them back to the main menu and if they try re-entering either of the sections the same thing happens meaning they cannot progress to the end. The first slides in both these sections contain an audio file (voiceover or music), animated text boxes and animated pictures.

Thanks so much for your help!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Lorna, 

Does the LMS register anything connected with this crash or resume? I wonder if resetting the users status in the LMS would allow them to continue, or even something as simple as refreshing the page? It sounds silly, but the loading could have just been caught up and then timed out in the browser. 

Some additional things to look into:

  • Edge and IE are both supported, but do you know which version of IE?
  • Did you publish with HTML5 and Flash? 
  • Also, do you know if these users are viewing the courses with Flash disabled?

We've seen a few things crash Edge recently such as a screen recording with captions or having shadowed text on the slide. Both of these should be fixed in the latest Articulate 360 update 13. What update did you publish with from 360?

Jonna Fraser

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your reply, Im Lornas colleague as she has begun her maternity leave starting today! 

I'm snowed in today and unable to make it into the office to catch up on the developments and check some of the details but will hopefully get in on Monday and can get back to you. 

Best Wishes,Jonna

Jonna Fraser

Back to the office! 

We’ve tested on all combinations of W7,W8,W81 and W10 on Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11 and Edge and have been unable to recreate the issue.

The course was published with HTML5 and flack back up. 

Hadn't done the latest update so have given that a try and hope this will work!


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