Screen Reader-Jaws_508 Compliance

Aug 16, 2019

Looking for any help in figuring out why Jaws is reading my master slide menu that has different transparent objects (similar to hotspots) over icons but is reading them as the same object on the slide...."rectangle 15." The weird thing is, I've given each of these objects new alt text descriptions. So the fact that they are all the same is weird. Could it be because I copied the same object to make the other "Hotspots"? If anyone is experienced with Articulate and screen readers, please take a look and reply. File is attached.

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Patrick,

I took a look at your file and noted a couple of these transparent shapes on slide 1.3. When I took a look at them, I saw the timeline name and the name of the objects were a bit different, and I think that's what you're describing with the copied object element? 

I also saw that the few transparent shapes were not set to be visible to accessibility tools - so any alt text you'd added wouldn't be read. I'd start by turning that on, checking what text is set in the alt text area, and then testing with your screen reader again.

Let us know how that goes! 

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