Scrolling Panel: Display w/out scroll bar in Mobile Player?

Mar 01, 2013

Hi all,

We've recently built a training for an iPad based interactive sales aid that has many scrolling panels. To replicate this, we have placed scrolling panels in Storyline. When viewed in HTML5 publish on the iPad, it is perfect - the scroll bar disappears and the user just swipes up & down with their finger. HOWEVER, when viewed in the Mobile Player app, the scroll bar appears and the user has to navigate with this tiny bar.

QUESTION: Does anyone know if there is a way to get the scroll bar to disappear when publishing and viewing in the Mobile Player?

This would be much preferable as this is how almost all scrolling panels function in the iPad.  

Many thanks in advance!



11 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Joel,

I believe the behavior of the scrolling pane you're seeing is by design. At least, this is always the way I've seen it function I totally agree that it would be nice if it functioned the same way on the iPad in the app, as it does in HTML5. If you haven't already, you might want to consider submitting a feature request.

As for alternatives, how about animated text or something that would give the appearance of scrolling text? I'm not sure if you will need your users to interact with the text, but you could have it load slowly, giving the appearance of slowly scrolling text. Just an idea, though :) I'm sure others will have some additional suggestions for this. 

Good luck with the project! I'd love to hear what you end up using for this.


Vanessa Smith

Hi Christine,

Yes, you're right - it's definitely by design. My question is whether or not there is any way for it to function the same in the Mobile App. Sounds like I need to submit a feature request .

We mainly do training in the biotech/pharmaceutical industries; an industry in which almost ALL of the employees who work in the field have iPads. As our client's LMS's catch up to current technology we are getting a lot of projects that need to be viewable on the iPad. This particular project (and more like it) is a training for their iPad-based Visual Sales Aid. So there was a need to re-create scrolling panels (hence my question above) like they appeared in the natively programmed sales aid.

Overall, we're are very pleased with Storyline's iPad capabilities (although I yearn for better support in Safari for HTML5!!).

Thanks for your response!


PS. I just posted another questions regarding screencasts in HTML5... if you want to take a stab at that one! :)

Chad Cardwell

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I am curious if SL2 has made any changes in how scroll panels work in the articulate mobile player (AMP). Specifically, is it possible to scroll through a scroll panel using a swipe up/down gesture anywhere within the scroll panel? Or are users still required to grab the small scroll bar with their finger, as before? I'm just asking because it is very unnatural to scroll using a scroll bar in today's touch screen world. I am not currently able to download SL2 to test this out myself.

Also, while on the topic of swiping gestures and the mobile player, is there a way to recognize a swipe left or swipe right gesture as an alternative to clicking the NEXT and PREV buttons? The reason I ask is because when zoomed in to the content area in the AMP by performing a pinch out/ zoom in gesture. This hides the AMP interface and fills the screen with just the stage, resulting in a much better view of the content. However, it also hides the NEXT/PREV buttons because they are part of the player. So, is there a way to still simulate or recognize these button presses without the user having to zoom back out? I know you can custom navigation buttons on the stage, but we like to use the player buttons as much as possible and don't want redundant buttons when the AMP interface is displayed.

Michael Hinze

Chad Cardwell said:

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I am curious if SL2 has made any changes in how scroll panels work in the articulate mobile player (AMP). Specifically, is it possible to scroll through a scroll panel using a swipe up/down gesture anywhere within the scroll panel? Or are users still required to grab the small scroll bar with their finger, as before? I'm just asking because it is very unnatural to scroll using a scroll bar in today's touch screen world. I am not currently able to download SL2 to test this out myself.

Also, while on the topic of swiping gestures and the mobile player, is there a way to recognize a swipe left or swipe right gesture as an alternative to clicking the NEXT and PREV buttons? The reason I ask is because when zoomed in to the content area in the AMP by performing a pinch out/ zoom in gesture. This hides the AMP interface and fills the screen with just the stage, resulting in a much better view of the content. However, it also hides the NEXT/PREV buttons because they are part of the player. So, is there a way to still simulate or recognize these button presses without the user having to zoom back out? I know you can custom navigation buttons on the stage, but we like to use the player buttons as much as possible and don't want redundant buttons when the AMP interface is displayed.

Regarding gestures for Next/Previous navigation, see here.
Chad Cardwell

@Michael, thanks so much! I totally missed that tutorial in my searching.

@Ashley, When you say "still need to grab the scroll bar," do you mean the scroll panel or the actual scroll bar/box on the right of the scroll panel? I only ask because if it's the latter, then that sounds like the same as it was in Storyline 1 when working in the AMP on an iPad. I guess my big question on scroll panels is If SL2 supports one finger scrolling in the AMP without having to meticulously grab the scroll bar. That would be slick.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chad,

Scrolling on a course published with SL2 supports the one finger scroll:

When viewing Articulate Storyline 2 output on a touchscreen device (iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.), use one finger to scroll through content in scrolling panels.

Tip: Mobile Safari doesn't show scroll bars until you begin scrolling.

SL1 still uses the two finger scroll method, and I don't have any information to share in regards to if that would be changed in an update. 

Lesli Obenschain
Michael Hinze

Also, while on the topic of swiping gestures and the mobile player, is there a way to recognize a swipe left or swipe right gesture as an alternative to clicking the NEXT and PREV buttons? The reason I ask is because when zoomed in to the content area in the AMP by performing a pinch out/ zoom in gesture. This hides the AMP interface and fills the screen with just the stage, resulting in a much better view of the content. However, it also hides the NEXT/PREV buttons because they are part of the player. So, is there a way to still simulate or recognize these button presses without the user having to zoom back out? I know you can custom navigation buttons on the stage, but we like to use the player buttons as much as possible and don't want redundant buttons when the AMP interface is displayed.

Regarding gestures for Next/Previous navigation, see here.

how about next/previous navigation/scroll swiping if NOT using the AMP? 

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