Seekbar turned off but displays on slide revisit

Nov 30, 2017

I have the Seekbar turned off for a selected slide. When the user goes to the next slide and then returns using the previous button the Seekbar decides to display itself. Is this a bug? Has anyone else had this happen? I didn't see any discussion notes on it.

14 Replies
Bob O'Donnell

Sure, I can post a sample file for you to look at. It surprised me when I noticed the behavior during QA. I've pulled most of the content out and saved a 3 slide test file to keep things simple. They are the identical slides from the real course. When you go to slide 3 and then use the previous button to go back to question slide it looks like the custom slide (question) picks up the "Default" player setting of having the Seekbar displayed even though the custom setting clearly shows it as being "unchecked" for that slide.

Looks like the default setting is overriding the custom slide setting. Unless I did something weird. Let me know what you find out Leslie.

Bob O'Donnell

Leslie, The Seekbar should be set to hidden on slide 2. I just pulled it up and viewed the scene and when you navigate to slide 2 it is hidden. Not sure what you're seeing. But it should look the same to you as it does for me. Let me attach it again. I also published it. When I play it, slide 2 shows up without the Seekbar as intended. When you go to Slide 3 and come back the Seekbar is displayed.


Leslie McKerchie

Alright. Taking this in with a fresh brain this morning Bob. Thanks for your patience and for sharing your published output.

I do see the behavior you are reporting on that slide once the slide is in Review mode and the user can no longer make a selection (either the 2 attempts or getting it correct). I was able to capture this in a Peek recording here.

If I flip flop your course - with the default player settings not having a seekbar and the other slides with a custom setting to include the seekbar - I do not see the same issue. I know that the Prev/Next buttons show by default on quiz review, but I'm not sure if that's how the Review works in general and I will reach out to my team.

In the meantime, take a look at my attached project with the swap in place and you can see my published file here.

I hope that helps you in the meantime.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi again Bob - I asked my colleagues and this issue has been reported as a possible software bug. I will add this thread to the report as we track user impact and so that we can update you here when we can.

I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.

Thanks again for your patience :)

Katie Riggio

We wanted to let you know that we just released another update for Articulate 360, and it includes a fix for the issue where default player features that were disabled for question slides would appear during quiz review.

Simply launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Thanks again for all of your patience, Bob! As always, please let us know if you have any questions – either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly 🙂

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