Showing Seek Bar on a lightbox slide

Jan 30, 2013

Hi everyone,

I did a quick search and didn't find anything addressing this questio:

Are you able to show the seek bar on a light box slide?

I have a number of video clips that I am showing by way of several light box slides. I'd like to show the seek bar so users can rewind and watch the video again if they like. But when I select the seekbar in the slide properties, it doesn't show up when the slide is playing. Instead it's just showing a grey bar along the bottom. It's also not showing the volume control button which is selected on the global player properties.

If I can't show the seek bar and volume, I'd like to just get rid of that grey bar at least.

Any ideas?

29 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Noelle,

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you'll be able to add the seekbar to the lightbox. However, what you could do is add some custom buttons into the lightbox slide that will pause, play or replay the media. This won't help with the volume control, but hopefully this will get you started in the right direction.

I'm attaching a very quick example I put together for you. Let me know how this works for you.

Good luck with the project!

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Jamie!

I don't really think it's something that's seen as an issue, I believe it's by design, honestly. The lightbox really isn't designed to function like a fully opened slide. However, I totally see the value in adding the option to it. If you haven't already, you might want to join me in submitting a feature request for this. 

In the meantime - I was thinking about the example course I made earlier for Noelle and I thought of another way you could do this. You could mimic the seekbar even more on the lightbox by creating a large, thing rectangle and customizing it. You could even make one that looks pretty similar to the default style of the seekbar for slides. You could add a pause/play trigger to the bar, or even just create that little pause/play button to the left. You could have pause show under specific conditions, or play show for others.

Just an idea though.. but now I may have to try this out, myself!


Brad Pennington

I was looking for this as well. Then I discovered that a video controller can be added by checking "Show Video Controls" on the options tab of the video. This suited my needs. Possibly this controller was a result of some of your feature requests? (I see the last post was several months back.)

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joe,

Did you see Christine's originally suggestion? I haven't seen a seekbar or the ability to play/pause/restart the lightbox slide for the reasons Christine mentioned but her suggestion sounds like a good start. 

Christine Hendrickson said:

 The lightbox really isn't designed to function like a fully opened slide. However, I totally see the value in adding the option to it. If you haven't already, you might want to join me in submitting a feature request for this. 

In the meantime - I was thinking about the example course I made earlier for Noelle and I thought of another way you could do this. You could mimic the seekbar even more on the lightbox by creating a large, thing rectangle and customizing it. You could even make one that looks pretty similar to the default style of the seekbar for slides. You could add a pause/play trigger to the bar, or even just create that little pause/play button to the left. You could have pause show under specific conditions, or play show for others.

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Cheryl,

What type of slide are you wanting to open in a new window? And by "new window" do you mean a new window in the course, or a new browser window? 

If in the course, you could simply use a layer and design it so that it appears to be a separate window. 

If you're wanting to open a slide in a new browser window, that might be a little difficult. It also depends on the content you want in that window. If it's not truly a slide from that course, you might be able to do this. You could insert a hyperlink for a page or content that's on the web and then set that hyperlink to open in a new browser window. Just keep in mind that the behavior for this may vary, depending on the web browser you or your learners are using.

If you could provide a little more detail, maybe we can share some additional suggestions :)

Thanks and happy holidays!

Sarah Bailey

Hey Leslie, so this particular client wants the users to watch a video without the ability to skip the video on first watch. Then take a quiz. If they fail the quiz the user has the ability to watch the video again but can then skip, fwd, rewind at will. Originally was going to look to create this by going back to the same video slide and do some trigger magic to allow control on 2nd viewing. However they are really keen the video recap by in a lightbox layer.


Long story short, show video controls on the lightbox layer is my current solution. The video player itself looks old school but it works which is the main thing.