Slide Layer Properties problem - Resume saved state

Jul 09, 2018

Hi there,

I Have a problem with Slide Layer Properties, in particular  "Resume saved state" .
This state doesn't work when I open the course in flash format.
Maybe could be a bug or something like that.

Thank you.

19 Replies
Flipfly Support

Thank you for your answer.
The version is Storyline 360 v3.1716188.0

Firstly I open the course in flash format; in case I have lots of follow-up in a slide (in a slide with layers with variables to bind the next button), the variable settings don't work.

For example I Have 2 follow-up (two layers) with layer properties "resume saved state".
In each layers (2) I Add "1" to a variable"GO" when timeline is 0.2 second.
The next button is disabled if GO is less then 2

If I open the course in flash format I can see the only one follow-up twice and the next button is active and if I open the course in HTML format everything is OK: i have to see all the follow-up

The browser is google chrome


Thank you!

Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for those extra details! Have you hosted the published content on a web server or a learning management system (LMS)? 

If you're viewing the published content locally, certain features of your project may not work correctly. In that case, I'd recommend hosting the output online and testing again.

Don't have a web server or LMS handy? Check out Tempshare or SCORM Cloud. Both tools are free and easy to use for testing published content. 

Let me know if you see a difference! 

Flipfly Support

I create an example to show you what I said in my last comment: if you check in two version (html5 and flash ) you can see the different behaviour

"In each layers (2) I Add "1" to a variable"GO" when timeline is 0.2 second.
The next button is disabled if GO is less then 2

If I open the course in flash format I can see the only one follow-up twice and the next button is active and if I open the course in HTML format everything is OK: i have to see all the follow-up"

Thank you very much

Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for sending over a new file, Flipfly Support! This variables in that file look great. 👌

I published your file with Storyline 360 and tested the Flash and HTML5 output. Here's a screen recording of what I saw. By the way, you'll notice I added a variable reference at the top of the slide so I could ensure the variable was adding correctly. 

Does that match what you're seeing? If not, could you record a Peek of your testing? 

Crystal Horn

Thanks for confirming.  It sounds like you aren't getting our email replies.  I resent the email from Renz yesterday from to the same email you have listed in your E-Learning Heroes profile.  I have tried once more from a different email address on our end.  Let me know if you still aren't getting it!

In the meantime, here is the body of the email without the screenshots (which were private to your project):

From your project file you sent over, the issue does not seem to be with the Resumed saved state as you have set it to reset to initial state upon revisiting. 

The behavior is correct on both Flash and HTML5, as also seen by your recording.

The issue you reported to be that when you add 1 to a variable on hover, it adds 1 every time you hover over the same spot in Flash is not a bug.

This is how it supposed to work as you set it to add 1 every time you hover on the timeline when it reaches 0s. What you are experiencing on HTML5 seems to be the bug, where it only adds 1 to the variable once when you hover over App 1 and App 2 respectively.

I understand what you are experiencing in HTML5 is the actual behavior you want.

I have amended the file by adding two new variables for each layer and new triggers so that you need to visit both APP1 and APP2 to trigger the next button to enable.

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