Slides are not loaded after export to Word document

May 09, 2022



I have some problems after making the export of my Storyline file to a Word document. Multiple video's are not previewed. They show up as a grey block instead. Someone knows how to fix this?




1 Reply
Jose Tansengco

Hi Lore, 

Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. I did a quick test on my end to see if the 'Publish to Word' functionality works, and I can confirm that my test Word file contained the video thumbnail.

Are you working locally when editing and publishing your Storyline 360 course? Working directly on a network drive has been known to cause issues. Additionally, if not all of the videos are appearing as gray in the published output, then the issue might be specific to the video files in your course. If that's the cause, please reach out to our support team here for further assistance.