Space Bar Trigger Not Working

Aug 27, 2015

Hello all. We are building a slide that has a circle with seven boxes around the circle. Each box contains a different title and has an associated layer. We are trying to use a trigger of show layer when user presses the space bar. However, when we preview it, pressing the space bar selects all buttons/ objects on the screen rather than displaying the associated layer. Each click of the space bar should reveal the layer that accompanies the next  box around the circle.

Thank you in advance for any feedback.

6 Replies
Kayla DiLorenzo



Thank you for your feedback. That is exactly what we are trying to accomplish. However, the incorporation of Next/Previous buttons on the slide affect the interaction. Say you are viewing a whole project. When you are on the slide before the space bar slide, you hit the next button in order to proceed to the space bar slide. After clicking next, the user will then hit the space bar to start the slide interaction. When you click the space bar in this instance, it automatically advances you to the next screen rather than advancing through the interaction. You can have the user click on the space bar slide's screen before pressing space bar and it works, but we are looking for a different solution if possible.  I attached your storyline file with additional slides added along with the Next/Previous buttons to demonstrate what I am talking about.

Thanks again.

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