State hover on drag and drop freeform under other items

Aug 26, 2022


     I have a little problem with my drag and drop freeform. Each of my draggable items have a custom hover.


My problem is I can't change the z-index for my item to show the custom hover above all others.

I can't use layers because they are draggble (items).


Can you help me?

Sorry for my english, I'm french.


state hover under other object

I'm using Storyline 360

2 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

The objects have a stacking order and something has to be on the top and something on the bottom. Thus when you hover, the object is either above or beneath.

When I have design issues where th hover state is covered by other objects, I'll create a static content area where all of the hover details reside and then use layers.