
Oct 01, 2021

Hello all,

Hoping someone an help me with this as I'm starting to lose the plot with this one!

To give a bit of context, I want our teams to click through all the the three standards shown before being given the option to move forward (and complete the course). 

On the 'confirmation box' I set a trigger for it to be hidden at the start of the timeline, then go to 'normal' once all the box states are set to 'visited'.

When I click on the last box (and therefore all the states change to visit) the confirmation box appears, but then I complete my content and go back to the menu and it dissappears :(:(

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!

Thanks - Charlie 

5 Replies
Judy Nollet

Maria is pointing you in the right direction. "Resume saved state" means the timeline won't replay, and that will prevent the trigger that hides the box from re-executing. 

FYI: You don't need a trigger to hide the confirmation box. You could just set its Initial State to Hidden. With that method, it wouldn't matter if you replayed the timeline or not. 

Here are some posts about controlling navigation that you might find helpful:

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Charlie.

Thank you for sharing the .story file!

As Judy mentioned, every time you return to the slide, the first trigger executed is Change the checkbox to hidden when the timeline starts. Since there are no conditions attached to it, it will always run.

Judy's suggestion works really well here: set the initial state of the checkbox to hidden, then disable or delete the first trigger you have, and it should work as expected:

Screen Recording 2021-10-01 at 09.41.17 AM