storyline 2 : slider/progress bar not updating on revisit.

Mar 12, 2015

Hi All,

I found an issue regarding progress bar for slide layers.

slider is not getting updated, if i replay the animation which previously reached to the end of timeline, however animation plays.

Another view, slider is getting updated, if i replay the animation before reaching to the end of timeline.

story file is attached herewith.

This seems to be storyline issue, however i need to confirm the same.

thanks for help in advance.

7 Replies
sachin patil

Hi Ashley and Phil,

thanks for replay. 

here are steps to reproduce the issue:

if you click on button "click 1", animation on layer "show click 1" plays and progress bar works fine. when animation ends, if you click on button "click 2" animation on layer "show click 2" plays and progress bar works fine. Now if you again click on button "click 1" animation on layer "show click 1" plays but progress bar not works.  same for , if you click on button "click 2" animation on layer "show click 2" plays but progress bar not works. check attached file "progressbar_scene1.jpg".

issue not comes in below scene:

if you click on button "click 1", animation on layer "show click 1" plays and progress bar works fine. before animation ends, if you click on button "click 2" animation on layer "show click 2" plays and progress bar works fine. Now if you again click on button "click 1" before completing animation on layer "show click 2", animation on layer "show click 1" plays and progress bar  works. same for, if you click on button "click 2" before completing animation on layer "show click 1",  animation on layer "show click 2" plays and progress bar works. check attached file "progressbar_scene2.jpg".

The issue is with progress bar which gets updated when timeline animation of layer plays. on revisit the animation, progress bar behaviors differently in 2 cases, 1) if that animation is previously reached to the end and 2) if that animation is previously not reached to the end.

I think i am done with the description. hoping its not complex. :) 

and thanks for patience. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sachin,

If you're still having difficulty after checking the slide properties as Leslie and Phil mentioned it may be easier to follow along with your steps if you're able to conduct a screen recording of the behavior and that way we can use it as we try to replicate the behavior you're seeing. You can share that with us here or feel free to connect with our Support team here. 

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