Storyline 2 won't play back with headphones

Sep 19, 2017

I have a unique situation.  I'm trying to play back my slides with headphones plugged into the computer.  

When I listen to the sound files in development mode and with the Audio Editor, sound comes through the headphones.  

However, when I click Preview to view it in the Player, it comes through the main computer speakers and not the headphones....anybody experienced this before...very strange?  Any ideas?

18 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Justin,

Thanks for reaching out - I've seen at least two reports of this same behavior and it's varied between Storyline 2 and Storyline 360 - but it's also seemed that those users may have undergone a Windows update. Can you check if you've run any recent Windows updates? What version of windows are you on?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Justin,

Looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email! No worries, this Peek video will show you how to remove it if you'd like.

I did report this to our QA team, and they're investigating but good to know that disabling the laptop speakers allows you to use your headphones in the interm. I haven't heard from any  users of difficulties listening to the content once uploaded to their LMS, it's only while previewing in Storyline.

I'll let you know here once I have an update to share! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience as we dug into this!

It appears that the latest Flash update 27 (although there is now a new version 27 in Beta) changed how the audio settings would work for Flash playback. The timeline preview in all versions of Storyline and Quizmaker is Flash based.

We've detailed out some steps here on how to fix this for Flash, and this is a behavior our team is still looking at fixing in Storyline/Quizmaker so that you won't run into it again! 

Anthony DeRose

Hi, I have a colleague who's experiencing the same issue. Her setup is SL2 on Win 10 Pro on a Surface Pro. Audio files play through headphones, slides do not. She disabled the Surface Pro's speakers w/o success. We would love to know the solution as this is the setup our office is migrating to shortly. She was a pilot tester. Thanks! -Tony

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