Storyline 360 course published in English has font issues with alternate Language Preferences

Apr 04, 2023

I have a few Storyline 360 courses deployed 2-3 years ago to SuccessFactors LMS that play fine in EDGE for learners in English. A few learners accessing  from Costa Rica and France get text that displays wrong-- I presume with various language preference settings set to Spanish and English (see attachment). 

What language preference controls the playback of published SCORM 1,2 Storyline 360 published courses? Is this a known issue, and is there a specific setting/language preference to change to get things to display properly. I wan't to avoid updating and republishing the course to resolve the issue. I haven't been able to determine what resolves the issue. I've tried after changing EDGE browser, Success Factors LMS, and Windows/office language preferences but haven't been able to find determine what makes the font display change.

4 Replies
Kelly Auner

Hi Brett,

Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue. I'd like to ask a few clarifying questions to help me better understand what's going on.

If it doesn't play as expected, we can assume that the issue lies within the project file. If you're willing to share that with us, we'd be happy to investigate further. You can upload it here or privately in a support case. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.

Brett Lee

Hi Kelly,

I'm not the author of this course, I an the LMS administrator responsible for supporting learning issues/tickets when courses don't work. To troubleshoot, I would need to track down the Articulate source file? The published SCORM 1.2 image I have on the LMS side is of no use?

As the screen grab indicates, it looks like something more-serious than a simple font spacing issue and it seems to be tied to learners previewing the English course with alternate language preferences set (Spanish and French translated text appearing in English storyline course).

This course has been deployed to the LMS for 2-3 years and to my knowledge these recent issues (translated/scrambled text for a course published in only English, when viewed by ).

My question is what language setting allows for translated text to appear in an English-authored Storyline file?


Kelly Auner

Hi Brett,

Thanks for the clarification!

I understand that you’ve developed a course that is playing as expected when the language is set to English and viewed in the Edge browser. It sounds like an issue arises when learners are viewing the course in another language. I found this article that may be helpful. Can the users try viewing the course in a different browser? You can find the required browser settings here.

Storyline 360 allows you to quickly export all the text in your project for translation and then reimport it, automatically replacing all the original text with the translations. You can learn more about optimizing the translation of your Storyline course, here. Please note that to do this, you would need the original .story file.

I hope this helps!