Storyline 360 Quiz not reporting score and completion in SCORM Cloud with xAPI

Sep 28, 2018

Hi, I have a big quiz built with 5 question banks. The results slides for each bank are hidden as there is a 'main' results slides which collects the results together and sets an overall pass mark (75%). I am testing this quiz in SCORM Cloud using xAPI (I've not had to use it before).  For testing I have limited the question banks to one question each and expected to see the course report Completed and Passed and the Score in SCORM cloud library, but it doesn't.
For my test run I get: 
Completion=incomplete,  Success=unknown,  Score Total=unknown,  Time= No record.
In the xAPI LRS statements on SCORM Cloud I see all the 'Experiences' with questions and whether answered correctly or incorrectly, which looks ok. Then the final statement is: User failed 'Quiz Name' with score 83%. But the pass mark was 75% so it should be a pass??
Does anyone have any experience of testing xAPI on SCORM Cloud and can help me to understand the 'false' reporting?

11 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Adrian, 

Our team has plenty of experience testing this, so we're here to help! You can connect with our Support Team directly using this link.

Also, I'd suggest reviewing this new article on how we report completion/success statuses to your LMS as a starting point. 

For your combined results slide, what did you choose for the option on combining the scores:

User must pass each quiz

Select this option if learners must pass each individual quiz (represented by each result slide) in order to pass the overall course.

If learners fail any quiz in the course, then they fail the entire course.

Combine points from each quiz

Select this option if you want the scores from all tracked result slides to be added together as the final score for the course, then enter a percentage in the Passing Score field.

In this scenario, a learner could fail one or more of the individual quizzes and still pass the overall course.


It sounds like you may have chosen User must pass each quiz. If you'd like us to take a look, can you share a copy of your .story file and a link to your course in SCORM Cloud? We can also enable LMS debug mode to take a look at the info being passed back and forth. 

Adrian Shepard

Hi Ashley, many thanks for replying to my post and apologies for not responding sooner. I was away on holiday for a few days and have just got back.
I checked my final results slide setting and it is set to 'Combine points from each quiz'
I have results slides for each question bank which are used just to collect scores for each bank and if the student fails the quiz as a whole I can suggest which areas to review based on the separate question bank scores. These results slides were originally placed after the Final Results slide and the student didn't 'see' these slides. I have moved them to before the Final Results slides and set the slide duration to 0.25s (just to see if this affected the completion status).
I have also enabled the debug mode and I republished the quiz for flash only.

The only difference I see in SCORM cloud with my last test is under the xAPI statements where it says I Passed with 90%.
However, the overall reporting for the student is still: Completion=incomplete, Success=unknown, Score Total=unknown, Time= No record.

I have attached the TinCanDebug.dat file, in case that is of any use.

Should SCORM Cloud be reporting the Completion, Success, Score and Time better than I am seeing with my quiz?

thanks, Adrian

Adrian Shepard

Hi, for anyone following this thread Chino in support found the solution. (Nice one Chino :)
What he did was to add triggers to the Main Results slide to submit the results from results slides for the five individual question banks. So the trigger panel for the Main Results slide looks like this:

Show layer Success ...
Show layer Failure ....
Submit results 2.1 Question Bank 1 when timeline starts
Submit results 2.2 Question Bank 2 when timeline starts
Submit results 2.3 Question Bank 3 when timeline starts
Submit results 2.4 Question Bank 4 when timeline starts
Submit results 2.5 Question Bank 5 when timeline starts
Submit results 1.7 Main Results when timeline starts

Scorm Cloud then reported the Completion, Success, Score and Time taken :)
Thanks again to all in Articulate support who helped with this question,


Torre Slaeker

I have a similar problem and I believe I have implemented the fix that Chino recommended, but even though our users have passed sections they are reporting as fails in our LRS. I've double and triple checked my work but still can't figure out why this is happening. I've included the .story file below just in case. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Torre,

Often the best way to troubleshoot a scoring or reporting issue is to test the output in another learning management system. Have you tried testing the output in SCORM Cloud yet? 

If not, I've published your file and hosted it on SCORM Cloud here. You'll noticed I removed the videos from your file for faster publishing and testing purposes.

I also attached the published output file here, in case you want to test that in your LRS.

Let me know how it goes!

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