Storyline 360 Will Not Allow me to Save Project

Aug 05, 2018


I am just completing a project and saving as I went along has not been an issue until 30 minutes ago. I edited a text-to-speech and when I tried to save the following prompt appeared: 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 




1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Isaac,

I'm sure you don't want to lose all of that work, so I'm glad you reached out to us. I see you also opened a case, so you should hear back from our engineers shortly.

In the meantime, here are a few things to try:

  • Copy all of the slides from the original Storyline file into a new file.
  • Copy only the slides that do not contain the edited text-to-speech audio, and paste those into a new Storyline file. 
  • Remove the text to speech audio, and save the file.

Let me know if any of those options work for you!

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