Storyline demands Flash 10 or higher for IE on Windows 8

Feb 26, 2014


I've installed Storyline on a Windows 8 machine with IE 10 and Firefox installed.

When I try to launch Storyline, it says I need Flash 10 or higher for IE. Flash is integrated with IE10, so Installed Flash 11 thru Mozilla Firefox.

Yet I still get the same message, and cannot launch Storyline. At all. 

AS Marvin Gaye might have said - What's goin' on?



20 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fiach,

If you need to confirm that IE10 is using Flash 10, you'll want to visit a site like to confirm the Flash version as each browser can use a different Flash version. For example, I use IE10 and have Flash version 12. 

Here are the additional system requirements and viewing requirements for Storyline. 

Fiach McHugh

Hi Ashley, thanks for responding!

I've checked - Using IE10, it says Flash isn't installed, using Firefox, it show Flash 12 installed.

I try to re-install Flash in IE, and I get (on the Adobe page): 

"Flash Player is integrated with Internet Explorer in Windows 8. 

You do not need to install Flash Player."

So, I click TEST Flash player, and I get:

"Either Flash Player is disabled or ActiveX Filter is ON."  

Flash Player doesn't appear in add-ons to enable it, and ActiveX filter is off.

I'm at a loss.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fiach,

I did a quick search through the Windows help pages and found an article about what to do when Flash isn't working in IE 8 (or 9). Looks like you'll want to confirm you're running the 32 bit version of Internet Explorer and then there are some additional help tips to check your add ons and ActiveX filter.

Tina Brown

I'm in the same boat as Josh.  I uninstalled Flash 16 and installed 15, and I'm still receiving the same error. I suppose I need to wait for the fix as well since I meet all other system requirements. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to hearing them as I'm on a time crunch to complete a couple projects before Christmas.

Daniel Servan

Articulate Storyline Doesn't Recognize Flash Player 16
Adobe released Flash Player 16 on December 9, 2014 and, as a result, Articulate Storyline won’t open. Published content isn’t impacted.

To address this issue, we added support for Flash Player 16 in Update 3 for Storyline. To take advantage of the new features and fixes, install the latest version from the link in your product confirmation email or 

Download the Storyline 2 Update 3 on the link below.

Enjoy your day.



Ed Gen

Hi all, 

I experienced the same issue and updated Storyline so the issue is fixed. However, every time I run Storyline, I get a prompt saying, "Thank you for evaluating Articulate Storyline. 30 days left in your free trial ... (btn) continue your free trial ... or ... (btn) Activate with your serial number.

After activating the software with my serial number, it works fine, but I have to re-activate the software every time I start Storyline. Any suggestions?


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