Storyline File Freezes on Second Slide When Loaded to Canvas LMS.

Jan 16, 2017

Background: I have been successfully loading my Storyline files in Canvas for over 6 months now. The method that works best for me is to publish for Web. I then take a screenshot of the title page, and place that in my lesson content page. Then I highlight the image by clicking on it, and link it to the story.html file. I also use the Control+K keystroke to change the link to open in a new window. 

I have a new file that I have uploaded to the Canvas. This one freezes on the second layer of the second slide. I have triple checked that that are no JPEG images in the entire file. ( I know they won't run in Canvas if there are). My triggers are correct. It works perfectly in SCORM cloud, and in preview mode. 

I am out of ideas on what could be causing this and would love some input!

Thank you!

3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Carrie!

Sorry you've encountered this! Thanks for sharing those details here. Since you published to Web, I would recommend testing the published zip file in Tempshare instead of SCORM Cloud. SCORM Cloud is really used for testing SCORM packages when publishing content for LMS. Can you try testing it there and let me know what happens? You'll want to be sure you test it in one of the supported browsers listed here

If you're still having issues, the next step would be to test whether this behavior happens on one particular slide, or any "second" slide. Delete the second slide, publish to Web again, and test. Does the new "second" slide freeze, or does the course run normally?

Carrie Ann Desnoyers


Thank you for the suggestions. I did try testing in TEMPSHARE and it runs fine there. (I was publishing in SCORM to test on SCORM Cloud). 

My second slide had two layers. I removed the second layer and made it a separate slide. Now, when tested in Canvas it freezes on what is now the third slide.  

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Carrie,

Thanks for the update. Since it works perfectly in SCORM Cloud and Tempshare, but you're still seeing issues in Canvas, I would reach out to Canvas support for further troubleshooting. It looks like another user had a similar issue here, so you may consider reaching out to her to find out if Canvas offered her a solution.

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