Storyline in Rise

Aug 09, 2023


I am creating content in Storyline and uploading it into a Rise course. All is working as planned with one exception. We like to use in-slide controls to forward and backtrack. This also works well. However, I want the last slide to have an End Course function. I have set the triggers to Exit Course and I have tried Completed/Passed Course, neither of which have worked. 

Is there a way to place a trigger that ends the training in Storyline which is accepted in Rise. For example, the Learner is on the last slide and clicks an "End Training" button and it exits out of the Storyline piece?

3 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Marc,

I'm happy to help! When viewed in an LMS, an Exit course trigger in the Storyline slide should close the Rise course. Please see my tests below using this link to my sample Rise 360 course, published in LMS and uploaded to SCORM Cloud:

Exit button in Storyline block

The Storyline block will play right within the Rise lesson on desktops and most tablets. It will play full screen on smaller mobile devices, like phones.

If you're looking for a way to exit the Storyline block in small mobile devices, there is a built-in X on the Storyline interaction, and once the learner clicks that, they should return to the Rise lesson.

If that does not answer your question, kindly share additional details on what you expect to see once the learner clicks the Exit Course button placed in a Storyline block.