Storyline in Workday

Nov 02, 2018

Does anyone have experience with Storyline courses in Workday Learning? We are migrating to Workday in January and I'm wondering if there are any considerations or information regarding getting Storyline courses to play seamlessly in Workday Learning. Thank you for any insight!

15 Replies
Eboni DuBose

Hey Percy

Awesome that your organization is having no issues with Workday.  We are having font issues with courses that have Storyline interactions in Rise.  The font gets scrambled.  Are there particular settings your org uses?  A default browser?  We are using IE and have noticed the issue does not happen in Chrome.  IE is our company browser

Victoria Saxton

Hi Everyone,

We use Workday and have a lot of issues with it.  I recently published a quiz as pass/incomplete.  That resulted in everyone failing regardless of their score.  I then published it as pass/fail.  In testing, it recorded the score, but when i put it in production, it stopped capturing the score. 

What settings do you use for courses with quizzes?  Do you find that it captures the score consistently?

The other issue we have is that around 8% of the time the course gets hung up in the "in progress" status, even though the learner completed the course.  Has anyone had experience with that?



Mark Setlock

@Renee and @Colleen.  

I hope I am not too late to this party. I have been encountering some issues with the results displaying incorrectly as well. May I ask which SCORM version you are publishing in? We have been been publishing in 2004 v3 but just started testing 2004 v4 with better results and wanted to see if anyone else is having the same experience.


Becca Levan

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Andrea! ⭐️

With a result slide, you should be able to pull survey reports. Do you have a result slide, and this isn't working? If so, try testing this out in a different LMS environment like SCORM Cloud to compare results.

Storyline sends this quiz data to an LMSstudent_response is how the learner answered the question. It's up to your LMS to report this data, so I'd recommend reaching out to Workday for suggestions on the best way to set this up if you haven't already.