Storyline issues with our LMS and IE browser

Sep 26, 2017

Over the past two months, we’ve built a series of courses using Storyline 360. We’ve been publishing them to our LMS as we go; some in August, with the final round in mid-September. Our problem exists with the last four we posted around September 10th: they work as expected using the Chrome browser, but in Internet Explorer they only show a blank screen when launched. (Unfortunately, “use only the Chrome” browser isn’t a practical answer; IE is our corporate and larger enterprise default.) All of these courses – the earlier and later ones – were published using the exact same specs in both Storyline and our LMS.

While I’m not 100% certain, in doing multiple rounds of troubleshooting, the problem has to do with the output of Storyline SINCE the two most recent updates. (For example, after one of these updates, the output to MS Word did not work; a later update fixed that. I am wondering if the updates changed something in the LMS output and its compatibility with the IE browser.)

Thoughts? You’ll see specific details outlined below.

STORYLINE 360: v3.8.13281.0
OUTPUT: AICC with Complete/Incomplete reporting status
LMS: SAP SuccessFactors [Release: b1708.1257371; UI v12 (Revolution), Enterprise edition]
- IE 11 (v11.0.9600.18792) [corporate default]
- Chrome (v60.0.3112.113, 32-bit)

1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi Phil.  Thanks for that helpful information.

I'm wondering if perhaps you are running into an issue with compatibility mode in Internet Explorer that we previously identified.  We released a fix and have some documentation here that you can check out.

If you'd like to troubleshoot and see if the compatibility setting has any effect, I'm curious what you find out.  You're welcome to share your .story file here as well for me to test.  Just use the Add Attachment feature when you post!

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