Storyline quiz blank when reviewing through LMS

Mar 17, 2020


I have set up a quiz for use in our LMS. Following completion, I need the user to be able to go back in and review their results. At the moment, the quiz is working fine and the user is able to review their results with the results slide. However, once the window is closed and the quiz reopened, the screen is blank. The Storyline loading animation appears for a second and then nothing. The fact that the loading page is able to load makes me think that this is something I've missed in SL but I cannot work out what. I have set the slides to 'when revisiting, automatically decide' as well as reset and resume saved state with no luck.

Anyone else experienced this?

6 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Suzanne,

Another area you may consider checking is how your course resumes upon revisit. Have you tried testing your file in another environment like SCORM Cloud to see if you come across the same behavior?

If you'd like a hand with that, feel free to connect with us, and we'll be happy to take a look at your file for testing!

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