Storyline Quiz Question

Feb 20, 2023

We are trying to build in Storyline a 17 questions quiz where a user could see the answer previously selected and change it before do the final submission.

At the moment if we set the slides to "reset the initial state" it will allow to select a new answer, however remove any previous selection done by the user.

Is there any variable that would allow to reset the answer solely if needed?

Also is there somewhere a table listing the built-in variables and there purpose?

Thank you all in advance for the help!

2 Replies
John Morgan

Hi Katia,

Thanks for asking about this! The best way to retake the quiz while also seeing the previous answer would be to set the quiz to allow multiple attempts and customize your feedback slide. Here are a few links about customized feedback slides.

And here is the list of built-in variables and their purposes along with an article on working with variables! 

I hope this helps!

Katia Lalanne

Thank you for the links!

In our situation we could not use the feedback until the user reach the end, since the questions are intended as an final exam.  Our solution was to add a button and to advise users the question will "reset" if they needed to go back.

If eventually there is a way to gain the functionality without doing feedback, please let us know! :)