Storyline Software Update Notifications

Jun 14, 2016

Does Storyline provide a way for you to receive automatic notifications when they have a new version and/or more importantly an update to an existing version?   I have the option "Check for updates at startup" enabled but have never received any notifications.

A while back we had issues with our Storyline 2 courses when iOS 9 was released.  We were able to fix the problem by downloading the latest update (at that time version 7).  

This post is over a year old so I'm just wondering if there have been any updates?? 

6 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kim!

A proxy, firewall, or content filter can prevent Storyline 2 from going out and checking for updates.
You may need to work with your IT staff to create exceptions for our software to check for updates. 

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