Storyline Web Objects & HTML5

Jun 05, 2013

Can anyone please confirm an issue I'm finding with this? The web objects don't work in HTML5 output on my iPad at all, but they work perfectly fine in the desktop version (I have updated to SL3). Thanks!

8 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Nick,

Can you share a little more information about the project and web objects, please?

What type of web objects are you using? How are you accessing the web objects in the slide? Is there more than one web object in one slide?

There are some known issues, but to determine a workaround or to verify the issue, I'll need more information on what's happening and how you have this set up.


Nick Elkins

OK, that makes sense. Yes, there is a small flash-enabled ad on the page (darn Verizon!). So I'm guessing that's what's causing the issue. That would make a lot of sense.

Thank you both very much for your help, you're both so quick to respond, and I think I speak for a lot of people on this forum when I say, "THANK YOU!"

Peter Anderson

We're happy to help, Nick

I'm not sure that one Flash-enabled ad on the page would cause the whole thing not to load, though. Maybe it would; I really don't have a lot of experience with web source...

If you want me to check things on my end, feel free to private message the webpage link over and I'd be happy to test it out.

Take care, Nick!

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