Strange behavior SL 360

Jun 22, 2018

Hello. I am experiencing a rather strange problem after I updated SL 360. I have a course with a slide that has a video. The slide before the one with the video is an introductory slide with no audio, stating the duration of the video and the number of questions that follow (nothing fancy at all, and I have created gazillions of courses with the same settings).

The weird behavior is that when I am in the introductory slide, before the video, the audio for the video in the video slide starts playing! I have tried everything I can thing of, including recreating the course from scratch. Unfortunately I can't post the file dues to policies in my organization.

The audio for the video in the slide that follows plays when I preview the course in SL, when I publish it in Articulate Review, and when I publish it in the LMS. The error is consistent regardless of the course being published.

Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas what can I do?

11 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ulises,

I'm so sorry you've hit a snag here on your courses. What you described does sound similar to an issue a few other users have mentioned in ELH and Support cases over the last couple of days.

The issue we've seen is that videos inserted to a specific slide are unexpectedly playing on other slides. 

Our team is actively working on a fix for this issue, and I know you mentioned you're not able to share your course here, but if you'd like to share with me privately I can take a look to confirm. Also, I can provide you directions to rollback to Update 16 if you need that while our team finalizes the fix! 

Just let me know and I'll reach out to you directly! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ulises,

I'm truly sorry that's been the experience you've had so far. If you need to use the previous update please follow these steps: 

1) Open your Articulate 360 desktop app by clicking the icon in your computer's system tray (by the clock) or using the shortcut on your desktop.
2) Hover over Storyline, click the drop-down arrow that appears, and choose the uninstall option.
3) Download and install the previous version here: https:[link removed]
4) To open Storyline, go to your computer's Start menu and select it from your list of apps. Or, create a shortcut for it on your desktop or taskbar. (You won't be able to open it from your Articulate 360 desktop app. It'll show an Update button rather than an Open button while this older version is installed.)

We'll be in touch as soon as we have a fix in place for the issues you've run into, and if you'd like to work one-on-one with our Support Engineers to confirm the issue please let me know. I'm happy to start a case for you and connect you with our team.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

We released a fix late on Friday for the issues encountered in this discussion and a few others. You'll find the Storyline release notes are updated and you can download the latest update from the Articulate 360 Desktop application.

I've also removed the previously shared link to roll back to Update 16.

Let us know if you need anything else!

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.