Strange text duplication on quiz questions

Feb 27, 2018

Hello all,

I am getting a strange text duplication on some of my quiz questions in Storyline 3.  Is this some form of corruption of the file? 

It is only happening on 2-3 of my 50+ question test.

I tested in locally and on Scorm Cloud and have the same issue.

What might help resolve an issue like this?


See attached image for example of the problem.




1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Wesley,

That certainly is strange. Sorry to hear that you're running into an issue with this.

Sounds like you are only seeing it once published? Not within your project file?

Since you mention that it happens in SCORM Cloud, would you be able to share your .story file for us to take a look? Just point me to a problematic slide.

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