Swiching player config within the same project?

Jul 17, 2017

Hi Guys, quick question. I have a simple project with two scenes (Intro and Main). Is there a way to switch from one player configuration in the intro scene to a different player configuration in the main scene within the same project?  Thanks G

8 Replies
Garry Hargreaves

Sorry Wendy, im trying to figure out if a player configuration file  (i underztood the note/resources menu items) can be changed for each scene within the same project.

When a scene gets loaded (via its xml file) can i force the player to reload a different xml file for a different scene?

If i can figure out how the player loads the xml file (colurs etc) you could allow the user to select their own themed playerskin inside the project.

Thanks again - didnt mean to confuse - g



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