Swipe not working with restricted menu

Jun 21, 2017


I'm having some problems with the swipe navigation on my project created in storyline 360.

I need a restricted menu, but switching from free menu to restricted the swipe function stops working. Actually i'm testing it with Samsung tablet and smartphone, on a very simple project with no variables, just 3 slides with no content. Anyone can help me? thanks!

10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hey everyone :)

Great news! We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes and new features that you'll see in the release notes here

The Storyline 360 item you'll be interested in is how:

Learners couldn't swipe between slides in HTML5 output when navigation was restricted.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either right here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Irina Poloubessov

Dear Leslie,

I have exported a Storyline 360 project for web in HTML 5 only  and I am opening it in Safari browser of an iPhone SE5.
I have layers, which are shown if a user presses a button. Those layers can be closed (hidden) again, if a user presses another button on those layers.
Can those layers also be swiped away? And not only be clicked to be hidden?
I am not sure what is understood under restricted navigation (in my case a user has to click on an element within a slide or layer to proceed and I do not use player's native menu).
How should I export / define the project, so that swipe gestures will be understood if a Storyline project is opened within mobile phone browser?

I have seen this article:

It says nothing about special settings / player I have to use...

Many thanks!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Irina,

If the user is going to another slide once they are finished with the layer, this should work well. If you are asking about a swipe gesture to hide a layer, that's not supported.

The article that you shared does share the supported methods and explains using the default buttons.

Here's a brief example of how this could work though and I hope it helps :)

Lauren Connelly

Hello Muhammad!

I'd love to help! Would you mind sharing a few details with me?

  • Which version of Storyline are you using?
  • Do you see this when using a specific browser?
  • Does this occur on both a computer and mobile device?
  • Are you running into this issue with all projects or just this one?

If you can share your project with us, that would be helpful too! You can either attach it to this discussion or upload it to our team privately.