Tempshare publishing and Storyline 3

Apr 14, 2017


Hello! I just published a Storyline 3 file to Tempshare, and I can't get my exit course button to work in Chrome. It did work in Internet Explorer.


Is this a normal occurance with Tempshare? This is the first time I have used the website, as most of the information I test out is confidential. I wanted to see how things published with Storyline 3. I did HTML5, then Flash back up when I published.


6 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello again!

The exit course trigger will function in some browsers in the HTML5 output, but not all.  

Some browsers have a limited ability to handle that function, and Google Chrome is one of them.  That's why I was getting inconsistent results, too!

I'm glad you did some testing; Tempshare gave you an accurate picture of how your course will behave in certain browsers.

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