Test-out option?

Dec 04, 2012

Hello.  I'm in the final stages of creating a course that will be launched to our entire sales force.  There is a broad range of reps - from 35+ yrs in the industry to 2 weeks.  That being the case, I would like to enable the seasoned reps the option to take the quiz at the beginning if they so desire (allowing them to "test out" if they so choose).  However, I wouldn't want them to be able to take the "test-out" exam more than once.  I know I could create two exams - duplicate, with one available at the beginning and one at the end of the tutorial - but I don't see how I could make that work when it comes to having the session marked complete.  Do you have any suggestions as to how I might be able to make this work?


22 Replies
Greg Carey

hi there, did you ever get a resolution on this request?

I am looking for similar information on Test Out options.

I need to know if it's possible, in Storyline, to have a Pre-Test where if the user fails, they have to complete the course and then attempt a Post-Test.  They would then have to pass the Post-Test in order to be marked Complete.  

Or, if they pass the Pre-Test, they're marked Complete on the LMS and don't have to take the course or the Post-Test.

Shailesh Mewada

Hi Tom,

Are you publishing SCORM version? Or something else?

If my understanding is correct, then there is no need to create duplication of the exam.
I am not sure whether the questions are same in the test-out section and in the final quiz, but your requirement is achievable.

You can create a variable for example ‘triedOut = false’ at the initial stage. When the ‘try-out’ quiz start, you can check for the variable and if it is ‘false’ then you can continue with the quiz. On the result slide of ‘try-out’ quiz, set the variable value ‘true’.

On re-launching, when ‘try-out’ quiz start and found the variable ‘true’ then jump to the course content.

To save the variable in the LMS, you have to select ‘Always Resume’ in player properties.
While publishing, you can select the result data which have to be tracked on the LMS.
I hope this will help.


Shailesh Mewada

Hi Greg,

Storyline will take any one result slide  for the tracking on the LMS.

The other workaround is, set the final result slide for tracking on the LMS. In the pre-test result slide, you can check for the score enable/disable the course link on the pre-test result page.

If the user passes in pre-test, then you have to set the triggers/execute javascript and set the score and the completion status on the LMS.

For example, you can call - SCORM_SetCompleted(); (in SCORMFunctions.js) to set the completion of the SCO.

It will require little trial to set that up, but can be achievable.


Mike Delaney

Here's a challenge that I had and how I solved it. I hope this can help some of you.

I needed to provide users with a way to opt out of an elearning course if they could pass a one-time mastery test. If they got a fail on that test, they'd be routed back to the course content which they would have to complete and then take the test once again which by the way they could take as many times as they wished until they passed the course; failing wasn't an option.

Bear in mind that even though the 10 question test was generated from the same question bank, the bank had 20 questions it could draw from randomly creating a different set of questions each time.

I let them retry the test (flip that switch on in the Results slide) BUT I remove the Retry button from the base layer where it usually lives ( I use the cut function) and place it on the failure layer. I also remove its submit results trigger as well which is generated automatically. I then create a new state (Hidden) and set its initial state to hidden as well. I then created a true/false variable for the last slide that has content on it and triggered the Retry button to become normal (or visible) when that slide is actually visited (true). I also make sure that the submission of results trigger is activated through a different button ( in this case I created one called Submit your results and close the course. Works like a charm.



Leslie McKerchie

Hey Evie - Thanks for sharing your project file and allowing us to take a quick look.

Perhaps I misunderstood your first question about testing out.

What issue are you having with your course vs what you would like to happen? I see a result slide 1.12 and see that it is set to report to LMS if published that way.

So what is happening that you would like to see differently so that we can assist?

Evie Contreras

I want to be able have the user take the exam  the beginning of the module.  If they pass, they do not have to continue on with the rest of the training material.  If not, they move on through the entire module and take the test again at the end and as many times as needed.  I just can't figure out where to place the true/false variable as described above in Mike's reply.

Latoya Bailey

Hi Leslie.  I am trying to figure out the same thing on my course but running into a few hiccups.  I am assuming it is because I have 2 result slides.  I want my users to be able to test out of the course as well.  Can I possibly send my file for you to review to see what my issue is? For some reason despite adding the reset my answers are still showing. 

Ian Mondrow

This thread is very helpful. I was wondering if I could add a layer of complexity. Maybe someone knows how to do this. I don't want my users to test out their first time taking the course. However, I want them to be recertified every two years. During the recertification, learners could test out of the course. Any ideas of how I could build this into the course? I am looking into options with my LMS but I need to roll this out sooner. 

James Washok

I recently built something similar. We have recurrent/annual training requirements to be met by employees. As with others, some of these employees are brand new, others have been here for decades. Rather than have them sit through this year-after-year training, I decided to build a "test out" option.

  • I created two variables...TESTOUT and MODULE, both set to FALSE
  • First slide provides the option to TEST OUT or REVIEW MODULE. 
  • Clicking on the TEST OUT button changes the variable TESTOUT to true
  • The ENTIRE Module is built as one scene; the Assessment questions are in another scene; same STORY
  • The TEST OUT option opens the first question; if answered correctly, it goes to the next question, and so on. If the question is answered incorrectly, it directs the user BACK to the appropriate slide in the Module. On that slide, when the user clicks NEXT, there are, again, variables associated with it; if TESTOUT = TRUE, then the NEXT button takes them to the next question (you would also add OR MODULE = TRUE); if TESTOUT = FALSE AND MODULE = FALSE, then the NEXT button takes them to the next slide in the Module.
  • During the MODULE option, after all information has been presented, a slide detailing instructions to take the Assessment is provided. The VARIABLE MODULE is set to TRUE on Timeline Start. Clicking the NEXT button takes the user to Question #1 (as in the TEST OUT option). Then, due to the variables, the user then takes the Assessment as it would run in the TEST OUT option, and be provided with reviews if questions are answered incorrectly.

After writing this, it reads a lot more complicated than it actually is.

  • Two variables: TESTOUT and MODULE. Both initially set to FALSE.
  • Using the TEST OUT option/button, TESTOUT switches to TRUE. Using the MODULE option/button, the final slide before the Assessment switches the variable MODULE to TRUE.
  • Each Question slide has Correct/Incorrect responses. On the CORRECT "continue" button, simply go to the next slide. On the INCORRECT "continue" button, have the user directed to the appropriate slide within the Module for review.
  • On the Module slides, if TESTOUT = FALSE AND MODULE = FALSE, act like a normal Module. IF TESTOUT = TRUE OR MODULE = TRUE, clicking on the NEXT button takes the user to the next question.
  • At the very end, the Module and Test Out option direct the user to the same closing slide (I utilized a blank RESULTS slide). When the user lands on this, for tracking purposes, this is the slide that is used to "track" completion for a SCORM package.

Maybe that works and is less complicated than I made it?

Laura Douglas

Hey folks is there a way to add a learner code that is typed in - so that only learners with this code are allowed down the "Advanced" path.  It makes sense in my brain - just wondering if anyone has done it?  IF so - is there any way to limit how many times someone uses this code before they are locked out and they have to take the full course?  I am thinking it would be a text box with a specific code entered once entered it turns the variable TRUE and add 1 to a counter.  If you hit 2 or 3 or specific number turn the variable FALSE and send a learner down a full course path....What are the pitfalls in how to track results on a course like this? or those listed above?  What would be recommended?  Are there LMS's that would struggle with something like this?  

James Washok


I would think that using the TEXT STRING variable and setting Path A = anything BUT that string and Path B = the TEXT STRING would allow this. Of course, you would have to create two paths (I have done this using Scenes).

As for limiting the number of times they attempt, you could set up yet another variable, something like Path = 0 (initially) and then each attempt would add 1 to the variable. When the set number is reached, the user is then re-directed to the full Path/Course rather than the advanced option. 

Pretty much, what you had described in your question/comment is possible. I've built some of our compliance training using these techniques and haven't run into any issues...yet. Of course, it may also be dependent upon your LMS and you may have to tweak the "When user revisits..." option (set to initial, save, or automatic states).

Just a thought...

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