text entry box in html5: cursor does not appears in the text box

Jan 09, 2017


I am working new with Storyline 2, Update 11.

I have general an issue with a text entry box (step-by-step recording) in html5.

Flash is ok: When my slide starts, the cursor appears automatically in the text box. The learner has just to type the answer, without clicking first in the box.

Html5 is not ok: When my slide starts, the cursor appears NOT in the text box. The learner has to click first in the box.

I am creating trainings for software. I want to have that the training matchs the handling in the software. In the software the cursor appears automatically in the text box.

Has anybody an idea how to solve the problem in html5?

9 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi Daniela.  Thanks for reaching out about your setup and for describing your troubleshooting.  We've discovered an issue where the focus (cursor) is not automatically set on the text-entry field in the HTML5 output.  We've given a report to our QA team to investigate, so I'm going to add your discussion to our notes.  That way, we'll be able to update you with information as it available.

Thanks, Ron for the help!  I was seeking a workaround too, but one hasn't been noted at this time.  In my testing, sending the field to the back didn't particularly work in my file.  I understand since it's a software simulation that you're limited in your creativity, so I'm really sorry that this issue arose.  We'll post an update here as soon as we can!

(edited for spelling)

Crystal Horn

I'm happy that you popped in!  I was glad to have something to test out, as I hadn't seen any other workarounds mentioned.  I did my testing in Storyline 2 though.  When you sent the text entry field to the back, was it on a step-by-step screen recording slide?  I tried on both a plain slide with text-entry and also a screen recording slide; the screen recording slide had only the text-entry on the timeline, however, and it was in Test mode.

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