Text fields are not accepting any input from keyboard in IOS

Jul 18, 2017

Problem Area: Text fields are not accepting any input from keyboard in IOS

Problem Device: iPhone, iPad with IOS 10 and above


we have created a course which is running fine in Web Browsers  and Windows environment but when we are uploading our course in IOS Mobile App -LEARNow (https://itunes.apple.com/ch/app/learnow/id560490022?mt=8) it is not responding when comes to entry of text field . we have submitted this problem to Articulate support they have tested and confirmed the Text Entry fields are working in SCORM CLOUD. as they don't support third party tool we are unclear weather this is happening because of IOS restrictions or for some other reasons . 

Suggestions and solutions are appreciated .

3 Replies
Félix Durán Serrano


Have you found a solution for your problem?

I have a similar issue on a Phonegap / Cordova app in iOS 9 to 10.3.3.

The keyboard shows up, but the input does not get any entry.

We have observed that if we make a zoom gesture on the keyboard, while it is shown up, the text entries start working.

Thank you.

Félix Durán Serrano


Well, yes, you've got me.

But I know a little more now.

If I embbed a Storyline activity in a iframe in a Phone Gap / Cordova application, the text inputs stop working. For example : <iframe src='activity/story.html' ..... />

However, if the project opens the story.html file directly, then it  works.

Have you ever had such an issue like this?

I have tested this problem on a phisycal iPad 2 10.3.3, and in simulated iPad Air 2 9.0.

It only happens with input text. Drag & drops, true/false and the other types of activities work fine inside an iframe.

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