The restricted menu is restricted again when you open scorm

Feb 16, 2023

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble with the restricted menu in storyline 360. When learners close the content (scorm) and they opened it again, it always appeared restricted from the begin of the menu.

I've been looking in this discussion group but I can't find a way to make it so that when learners open it again, the menu is only restricted from the point where they left off or fully open if they have already completed the scorm.

I don't know if I have explained myself, sorry.

Anybody can help me?

Thank you so much



6 Replies
Judy Nollet

It sounds like your course is set so the learner can't resume where they left off. You can check this at the Player > Other > Resume setting: 

The Resume setting determines what happens when a learner reopens a course.

  • Prompt to resume: The learner will be asked if they want to resume where they left off. If they say Yes, a restricted course should only restrict the content they haven't seen yet. 
  • Always resume: This automatically resumes the course from the point where the learner exited. 
  • Never resume: This always restarts the course from the beginning. If the course has restricted navigation, the learner will have to step through all the slides, even if they viewed some of them the first time they opened the course. 

Here's more info: 

Formación online BCN

Hello, again

Sorry... but it doesn't works.

When I tried it 2 days ago, the scorm operated correctly in my space in Moodle platform but it didn't when it was opened by other students.

I'm trying with other scorms with the same configuration and doesn't work.
I don't know what's happen :-(

Xavier Toyos

Hello Cristina,

The problem you have with SCORM is not with articulate or with the LMS. When looking at a SCORM in Moodle it behaves differently if we do it with the administrator role or with the student role. Change the role to student. Even better if you do it in another role than yours and be a student.

I hope your problem is solved.

All the best