The score on the LMS gets reset when i continue answering a quiz from a point where i had previously left the quiz.

May 04, 2017

Hi all, 
I am working on a quiz for a client who uses the SUMTOTAL LMS, 
consider this situation where .. the Quiz I created in storyline 2 has 10 questions.

and a user answers 5 of them and exits(lets say he got 3 answers right) , when the user returns and continues answering the quiz(lets say he didn't get any of the remaining answers right after he returns). 

We expect the user's score to be 30%, however, the user's score gets registered as 0%

Is this something that needs to be taken care on the LMS side ? or is there something i need to do in storyline 2 to make it behave as expected.

5 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Shashi,

We definitely wouldn't expect that to happen, and I can help you straighten this out.

Let's start by testing the published file in SCORM Cloud. Are you getting the same results there? We generally compare the behavior in SCORM Cloud to your LMS experience to try to parse out file issues versus LMS issues.  

I am happy to help you with that testing if you'd like to share your file! 


shashi kumar

Hi Alyssa, 

Thanks for the quick reply, ill try testing it on scorm cloud, i may have to create a sample for you to see, and to post it on scorm cloud .The course i am working on has proprietary info , am bound to not to share it.
Ill  share the sample here once i am done , and also let you know if i find anything :) Thanks.

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