ThreeJS in Storyline360

Jan 04, 2021

As i found that ThreeJs is included when publishing to HTML5 in Storyline360 i was wondering for what it is used in SL ?

As there are magnificent options for using WebGL with seen here:
So how it is used in Storyline now?

Some more info...inside bootstrapper.min.js i find these lines...
var n = document.createElement("canvas"),
i = n.getContext("2d"),
r = new THREE.CanvasTexture(n);
So clearly here a canvas is created for use with THREEJS as the code clearly shows... But can we do more with it ???

6 Replies
Math Notermans

In my archives i found a working GSAP/ThreeJS sample. Adding that.
Tried to add it to Review, but ( as often ) that wont work.

Publish it and you will see it works. Basically only thing working now in ThreeJS is zooming in/out by using your mousewheel... but  it works...