Time based access to Storyline course

Apr 03, 2019

I'm starting work on a Storyline course that has a requirement that it only be available during normal business hours, 9-5 EST. The reason is, a learner needs to be able to ask questions either during or immediately after the course; a support line would be standing by. There are many 'manual' solutions - proctored PCs, after hours support by pager, etc. But a technical solution would be far more elegant.

I'm not seeing a trigger or variable that enables time based access, and our LMS does not enable those controls. 

I would welcome you suggestions.

7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mark,

There isn't a feature built-in to Storyline that would restrict access based on time, as access to the course is controlled by an LMS or wherever you're hosting it. Since your LMS doesn't have an option you could enable, there may be something you could set up using Javascript code, but I'll leave that to our community of experts to weigh in on! 

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