TinCan API Always report 100% Score to LMS

Dec 23, 2021

Hi Great Heroes,

I am having a problem when publishing storyline content to xAPI(tincan) format and upload it into talentlms. It tracks correct time spent regardless whether learners learn via web browser or talentlms app. But the score always report 100% even if the learner got any other result (70%, 80% etc) when doing the assessment. Have you encountered same problem before? Appreciate your sharing. 

6 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Sarith.

Thank you for reaching out!

If you're comfortable sharing the .story file, I'm happy to take a look and help troubleshoot. 

What reporting and tracking options do you have selected?


Windows 10 (1) 2021-12-27 at 9.26.05 AM

Windows 10 (1) 2021-12-27 at 9.25.45 AM

I'd also recommend uploading the project to SCORM Cloud and testing it there to rule out LMS issues. Check out this step-by-step article!

sarith soun

Hi Maria,

I tried all those options:

1. When the learner completes a quiz.

2. using triggers. 

Normally, I would use the 2nd option when publishing into SCORM1.2. and it reports correct score to talentlms. but with API tincan, it doesn't. Neither does it report correct score when selecting option #1 above.

I will try SCORM cloud to see if the problem is from articulate or talentlms.