triggering an exit layer

Dec 19, 2020

Hi folks,

Hoping this is an easy question to solve. I have a storyline project with 3 chapters. I want the learner to read through each chapter and when he/she has and returns to the main menu (where chapters change state to complete), I want an exit layer to pop up and say goodbye!! I've tried all kinds of variables but nothing works. Any ideas? 

I'm attaching my file since. Thank you in advance!!


6 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Mary,

I assume that you are trying to close the course browser with the exit button? If you are publishing this course for the web, or for an LMS, then the exit button works by using the Javascript Close() function. This usually does not work.

Several years ago, many advertisers were creating web pages that used the close function on peoples browsers to indiscriminately close peoples windows with their permissions. This often was part of an attempt by hackers to control peoples computers. Due to this, the close function was considered to be a security violation, and it was changed so that this function would only work on browser windows that were opened with the open function during the same browser session. 

Ever since this change, most designers have changed from attempting to close the browser window for users, to adding a statement that informs the users that they may now close the browser window.

Mary Burns

Hi Dave. Thanks! This mini-module is for our Intranet so I'm less worried about thta, but good advice for external facing courses.

Same issue though. My main menu shows all three chapter buttons marked as completed. At that point, I want a layer to pop up and tell the user (my colleagues) that they can Exit and I wat to point them to more resources. Nothing I've tried works. I tried Show layer when timeline starts IF Buttons 1 2 and 3 are complete. Any ideas on this (you or larger community?) It seems like it should be easy to do.


Thanks again!



Dave Cox

Hi Mary,

Sure popping up a layer with additional options is pretty easy to do. If you can post your project, I'm sure someone here can help you get that working.

I understand if you can't post your content, but if you could post a shell with just your logic, we should still be able to take a look and help you with it.


Dave Cox

Hi Mary,

You have the right idea with your triggers. In fact your exit slide was opening, you just could never see it, because it was closing again before it displayed on the screen. I deleted the trigger on the exit layer that closed the layer when the timeline started on this layer, and now it works as expected. 

I also changed the slide layer properties to pause the timeline of the base layer and to hide the objects on the base layer to stop the animation from displaying at the top of the layer window. I selected both, but either of these options would stop the animation from displaying in the background.

I changed your trigger on the main slide to show the exit layer based of the values of the three variables. There is not reason to set another variable, and then trigger based on the new variable. 

I hope these hints help you.
