Triggers/Layers Not working correctly

Jan 18, 2023

Hello -

I am creating a course where the learner looks for errors in a spreadsheet.  When they click on the correct error, they get a congratulations message, and that hotspot is disabled.  

When they close the the congrats message, a question pops up asking them to select the reason for the error.  This is where I run into issues.

Some question layers are for the right hotspot, but in other cases, the wrong question layer pops up.  I've checked all the triggers to make sure they are aligned to the correct hotspot, and I checked to make sure I didn't copy a layer and forgot to change the text.

When I created the triggers, I set up one, then copied it and adjusted the reference points.

I've attached the file.  To see what I'm talking about, open the file, and preview slide 1.  Click on $29.93 in the Selling Price Column.  After you close the "Correct" layer, the next layer should be "Spec Char", but the "Wrap Text" question shows instead.  

There are 11 errors in the activity, but this issue only affects 6 of them.  

At this point, I've looked at it for so long, I'm pretty sure I'm missing the obvious.  I hope my explanation is clear enough to get some expert advice!


Thanks so much!


2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Shelly,

Thanks for reaching out! 

Here's what I see when I attempt to follow the steps that you provided to replicate the behavior: 

It looks like I am already being taken to the Spec Char layer and not the Wrap text one. 

I did want to point out one thing about how your CORRECT layer is designed. Since the slide makes use of multiple iterations of this trigger: 

The slide will eventually run into a case wherein more than one object is in its DISABLED state, which will cause the first trigger that meets its condition to display its corresponding layer. This will have the undesired effect of wrong layers being shown for your course. I'd recommend reworking this section of your course to accommodate for instances where there would be more than one DISABLED object present in your slide. 

Walt Hamilton

Like Joe says, this setup will work only if the learner clicks the errors in exactly the same order as the triggers. You can easily observe this by altering the order you use to test it. You should get different results with different sequences. The answer is not to disable the hotspots until afterward, perhaps when the question layer starts.Then you can re-write these triggers to "Show layer XXX if  a certain error is the one clicked".  I would make all the errors a Button Set, and use Selected state.