Unhide Next button when revisiting slide

Jun 13, 2024

I have a slide that I set a trigger "when the timeline starts on this slide, set state of Next button to Hidden".  This means the Next button appears at the end of the video I have on the slide - great. 

If the user progresses to the next slide and then wants to return to this slide they can.  However the Next button does not display.  I have the slide properties set to Resume Saved State so that they dont need to view the video again, but it leaves the user in limbo-land as there is no next button.  I have tried various variables, but dont fully understand them so am getting in a muddle.  Can anyone help? Thanks Roz

12 Replies
Judy Nollet

The trigger that hides the Next button needs a condition so it will only run the first time the user visits the slide. 

Based on your description of the slide, you could do this: 

  • Create a T/F variable with the default value of False.
  • For the trigger that hides the Next button, add a condition so it will run if the T/F variable = False. 
  • Add a trigger to the slide that changes the T/F variable to True when the media (that is, the video) completes. 

Here's more info and a demo for controlling the Next button in different situations: https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/tip-controlling-the-next-button-101 

It’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s more info:

Roz Gilmour

Hi Judy thanks for this and I will certainly read up and try getting a better grasp of variables.  Unfortunately it is still not working....maybe I am doing something wrong.  When I add a variable as you suggest, it now displays the Next button throughout.  I have attached file for you to look at.  The slides in question are 1.6 AI Guidelines Room and 1.7 Appendices.
So I dont want Next showing until end of the video in 1.6.  If the user goes back from 1.7, the next button needs to be there without the video replaying.
many thanks

Judy Nollet

When I preview the file you attached, it works like you want it to.

Well, except there's no trigger to show the Next button. I added one to show the button when the video ends, and then previewed again.

  • The Next button is hidden when slide 1.6 starts.
  • The button shows when the video ends.
  • When I go to slide 1.7 and then return to 1.6, the Next button is still visible, and the video doesn't replay.

By the way, here are the best practices for sharing a .story file in the Forum

  • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
  • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
  • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
Lisa K.

Hi Roz, I took a look at your project. For me, the Next button didn't appear on 1.6. What you need is a trigger on 1.6 that changes the state of the Next button to normal after the video has ended and the variable has been set to true. So you will want to add the following trigger: Set state of Next Button to Normal when your_variable changes if your_variable = value true.

If the Next button appears throughout, make sure that the default value of your variable is set to false.

Roz Gilmour

Thanks Both

I am getting into a muddle unfortunately and tried different options.  I can get the next button to be hidden and appear at the end, but when I revisit the slide there is no Next button, OR, 

The next button doesnt appear at the end at all.

I apologies for not getting this and appreciate all your help.  I think it should be easy so not sure what I am doing wrong



Lisa K.

The first trigger needs a condition - you don't want to hide the button every time the slide is visited (see attachment and the second bullet point in Judy's first comment). 

The "when the timeline ends on this slide set state of next button to normal" trigger can be deleted. It's not necessary because you already change the state of the button to normal when the variable changes. 

Lisa K.

Okay, this is really weird. It should work with the triggers you have in your screenshot, but it seems that the resume saved state setting messes with the next button. Is the only reason for using resume saved state that you don't want the video to play every time the slide is visited? If that is the case, you could remove autoplay from the video and trigger it instead (play video when the timeline starts if variable is false).

I have to go now but hopefully someone else with more knowledge about saved state issues will see this!

Judy Nollet

The setting for Revisiting doesn't impact the Next button. If the Next button is in the Normal state, the trigger to go to the next slide should run when the button is clicked. 

I think something is corrupted in one or both of the slides (1.6 and 1.7).  Here's some additional evidence. When I Preview both slides, I sometimes get the error message "The slide target of this link is not available in this preview." That has happened even when the Menu shows that the slide was included in the Preview, as shown in this image: 

Now that you've got the triggers figures out, I suggest you submit a case to the staff about the Next-button issue. You can do that here: Contact Support for Help with Any Articulate E-Learning Course Development Software