Unusual script error in LMS using IE 11 with two HTML5 packages that were published the same way on Storyline 360

Nov 12, 2019

I am having a script error occur for one of my Storyline 360 packages. When I published the package the first time as a HTML5 zip package, it played fine on the Learning Management System. However, the file size was too large for the LMS. So, I made a second package that was a smaller version where I just eliminated some slides and published it the exact same way (as an HTML5 zip pkg). Now when I load it to the LMS, it will not play in Internet Explorer 11. It keeps buffering and showing a script error that is blocking it from loading. I have tested the package on other browsers (Chrome, Firefox) within the LMS and it works fine. Outside of the LMS, it works fine on all browsers including IE 11. I also tested the SCORM on ScormCloud and everything is running properly.

My question is what could be causing the small script error to prevent the second package from running in the LMS via IE 11 if it was published the exact same way as the larger first package that runs perfectly fine in the LMS? For your convenience, I have attached an image of the script error for the second package in the LMS if it at all helps.

2 Replies
Katie Riggio

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Jacqueline. You're in the right place for help!

Smart call to test the output in SCORM Cloud, and glad to hear that everything is running smoothly there. This tells us that the playback issue in IE11 is related to the LMS' output.

What LMS are you using? There may be other members using the same one who can weigh in with their experience and fix!

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