Unwanted Compressed Background Image

Jun 20, 2017


I noticed that the output of my Articulate 360 Storyline will compress the background image regardless if I set the image quality to 100%. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and has found a work around. 

I need to keep the images as my background image for highlighting purposes. 

I have attached the output, comparing the background vs the exact same image not set as the background.



9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Arthur,

Thanks for sharing the image here! That was really helpful. I took a look at inserting it as a background image (first slide) and as an image directly on the slide (second slide). In Articulate Review, I can see that the first slide is not as crisp as the second slide and it's a little bit better in this version I published to Tempshare.

Here's a screenshot of the original image side by side with the Tempshare link showing the image on the slide itself (not the background), and those two seem to match in terms of quality. Can you take a look at those and let me know if that's matching what you're seeing in terms of background images?

I'm going to share the issue with the background image with my team as a possible software bug. 

From here, I’ll meet with my team to take a closer look so we can determine next steps. Sometimes my team catches errors in my logic and we don’t have a bug after all. Of course, if that’s the case, I’ll let you know! 

Depending on priority and risk, some bugs can be fixed quickly, while others take longer to resolve. Here's more information on how we identify and tackle bugs.

I’ll let you know as soon as we have an update on this issue- in the meantime, could you use the image on the slide itself vs. adding as a background image?

Diane Smith

This is STILL an issue. I just tried to use a full screen image as a background so I could add a shape with fill set to "background" - and the background image is horribly blurry. I followed all of the instructions (don't size it over 2048x2048 pixels, use EMF or WMF formats) - heck, I even tried SVG (not that SL supports it). All to no avail - published in Review, SCORM Cloud, and finally on the client's LMS - all blurry. 

I finally resorted to removing it as background, setting it directly on the slide, and using the horribly clunky "frame" shape to achieve the same result - only with no blur. 


Two suggestions:

1. Make FRAME shapes two-way adjustable - so you can make the shape the size of the slide, but adjust the opening in the middle to exactly where you need it - not always centered in the frame. 

2. FIX THE RESOLUTION COMPRESSION ON BACKGROUND IMAGES - or at least let us adjust it - preview it, resize it, as needed - there are no controls on this! 

Jenny Marples


Has there been any progress on this issue? I too have followed all the advice (pixels, formats and using the image instead of a background) but it hasn't made a difference.

I'm in my trial at the moment and so far everything has gone great but this issue would be a big one for my project if we were to take our subscription!

Thanks for any update!

Laura Dodds

Hi, Has there been any advancement on how to fix this problem? 

I have tried every way, using all file formats, all file sizes both exact and much larger, and formating master slide backgrounds as well as actual slide backgrounds, nothing seems to make a difference. 

If it's put into the timeline rather than formatting the background that helps slightly (still not 100% crisp) but I can't do this as I am using a master slide and so the features/buttons I have on my master slide get covered over.

Hopefully you can help! Thanks :)

Lauren Connelly

Hi Laura!

Thank you for checking in and sharing your troubleshooting steps! We don't have any updates to share about this bug where the background image is compressed. It's not on our immediate roadmap as we are still prioritizing other fixes to be released. When we have an update on the timeline of this fix, I'll make sure to report back to this discussion. 

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