Uploading an SCORM presentation into UPerform.

Jul 08, 2023

Hi Team, I hope to find you well.

My client is having problems uploading the SCORM presentation of a project on their learning platform.
(attached image of the error)

Inside my presentation are some files "linked" as external files.

This directory remains as a local directory on my computer.
Could this be what is causing my problem?

If this is the case, can you recommend me any option to solve it?

Thank you!

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

When you publish, any linked files are copied to the published folder, so the linked files are not likely the problem. When they upload, the whole folder is uploaded. If you are publishing, sending them the published folder, and they are uploading the published folder from a location where they have proper permissions, It will work. Are they trying something different, like trying to upload to uPerform directly from your Drive or Dropbpx location?

Audiovisual Flix Translations

Hi team, 

As far as I can see the customer process is quite simple.

It loads the scorm folder inside UPerform and then links it to display the presentation.

From what I was seeing in another thread, when I directly export my presentation from Storyline to Review 360 I get the same XML error, however, inside my storyline the files are correctly pointed to my local folder.


Can this permission denied error be linked to this?

I understand perfectly well that when I export my presentation to SCORM all the external files are packed, but that the link points to a file in my local pc can generate the problem when I want to load it inside UPerform?

Thanks in advance.

Luciana Piazza

Hello there, 

Thanks so much for reaching out! I see that you've opened a support case and you're working with my colleague Carlo. You're in great hands! 

I have updated Carlo on the latest update you shared in this thread so that they're in the loop. We'll continue this conversation over in your support case. 

Have a great start to your week, and happy developing! 🎉