Uploading to review 360 not working (articulate storyline error report)

Nov 03, 2022

I'm trying to upload my project to review 360 but it stops halfway and i get the error 'articulate storyline error report'. 

So i opened a other project and tried to upload this one to review 360, this worked with no problems at all. 

I'm using meta bold font in my project, i don't know if anything has to do with this. 

I need to upload the project quick, can somebody help me?

I added the project to attachments (it's no secret), hope this helps solving the problem. 


thx in advance

10 Replies
Jürgen Schoenemeyer

you have problem on "publish to web" also, there is an error message while publish

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ErrorReport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Message>Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.</Message>
<StackTrace> at int System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(IEnumerable&lt;int&gt; source)
at TimeSpan Articulate.Design.Project.CalculateDuration()
at bwMeta Articulate.Design.Publish.PlayerMeta.CreateMeta(IPlayerService playerService, IProjectMetadata projectMetadata, IQuizData quizData, ISlidesMetadata slidesMetadata)
at bwMeta Articulate.Design.Project.GetMetaObject(IPlayerService service)
at bwMeta Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.ap()
at bool Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.Write(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
at void qu.p()
at void Articulate.Design.Publish.TargetContext+PublishBackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at void Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.a(object A_0)</StackTrace>

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow - while calculation the duration (?) of the course

you should open a support case


Jürgen Schoenemeyer

yes - error not fixed with deleting the video

I have copied the chapter 1, 2, 3, 5 in a new empty .story file

if there are max. 6 of this (red marked) pages, the export is ok

if you dublicate one of them

=> crash while publish with the known error - no matter which of the 6 is duplicated

this is real a case for the articulate support


Jürgen Schoenemeyer

no - the timeline of these slide was to long (37 minutes), I have reduced them to 5 seconds

there is a new storyline function to to this

remove on one layer the "Show Until End"-Flag, then "Fit ..."
