User not able to move to next layer until all buttons have been selected.

Jun 14, 2021

I am working with tabs with 4 different buttons with states that need to be selected before moving to the next layer.  The issue is, the tab button for the next layer is on the Main layer.  So how do you do a trigger on the main layer that cannot be enabled until all of the objects are selected on a sub layer?  Am I making any sense?

1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Hi, Kelly,

As I understand it, you want to enable a button on the base after a number of objects on a layer are selected. Here's how to do that: 

  • On the layer, be sure all the appropriate objects have a Visited state. 
  • Create a T/F variable to tracks whether those objects have been Visited (i.e., selected). Start with the default value of False.
  • Add a trigger on the layer that adjusts the variable to True when all of the objects are Visited. That trigger would look something like this: 

  • On the base, add a trigger that enables the next tab when the variable changes. That would look something like this: