Very basic question from new user - assessment responses

Feb 02, 2017

I have what is probably a very basic question. I am editing and uploading a course that was developed by someone else and the buttons that elicit responses are not working correctly and bring up either the wrong response, or all buttons bring up the same response. There are three question slides each with 3-4 buttons (possible responses) and there is a slide with feedback statement for each response. Can someone please tell me how to connect the buttons to the appropriate response, or point me to a helpful resource? I am not a developer (I guess that's obvious) and the developer is no longer available and left a really shoddy project for me to fix. Thanks!

6 Replies
Jen Diallo

Here's the file. The slides that have problems are Questions for Review starting with slide 1.35 and ending at slide 1.48. The responses do not line up with the feedback slides. It seemed to work in the preview - but maybe I just didn’t catch it? I think it has to do with the jump sequences, but I do not know enough Storyline to make these work correctly

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