Video auto re-playing and loading blank in iPad Mobile Safari

May 27, 2014

In Stroyline Update 5, when use a video object on base layer of any slide and while there is a sub layer triggered to show from Master Slide and closed – causes the video to replay automatically. This happens only once in the slide session. So when I again load a layer from master slide and close it never triggers the video to replay automatically, although the video resumes from where it stopped.

The issue re-appears if the video is finished playing and then I open/close a layer (from master slide)

My question is why it happens only once? I am confused.

I tried the following setting but it didn't help.

When I revisit the same slide containing video I see the following quick time icon and not the video.

8 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi NetX 

Thanks for sharing the file and I see the behavior you're describing, although oddly enough I can only get the "restart" to happen for the first video slide not the second. In regards to the quicktime screen being visible on the revisit after the entire slide played, I was able to set up the media to play based on a trigger instead of automatically and you can see that version here (where I only made the change for the second slide). It is causing a delay in the rest of the slide playing - so I'm still taking a look at that. 

Do you need to insert it as an flv? Even though it's being re-encoded to an mp4 - I'd like to see if adding it as an mp4 made a difference in how it's playing. Can you share the flv file with me as well? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi NetX,

Thanks for the link to the FLV videos - I'm going to convert them and do some additional testing. Also as I mentioned in my previous post, I only made the changes to the second slide/video - as that one included more elements such as the animation so I wanted to see it all play together - it looks like your image shows only slide 1? 

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